Friday, November 25, 2005


I don't think anyone would ever classify Ridley as shy. It used to be though that if you asked her to sing or if you commented on the song she was singing, she would clam up. She is 6 now (going on 7) and has decided she loves to sing. We were leaving Walmart after picking up some last minute Hallowe'en stuff and she broke into a song about ghosts and goblins the second we stepped out the door. Did I mention it was loud? She got a lot of smiles that day. I have to admit she stunned me. Shy one day, and singing to the masses at Walmart the next. Go figure!

Her current favourite is this...

Hey, ho, nobody home
Meat nor drink nor money have I none.
Yet will I be merry

She has been singing this all day long..everyday.
Overall though I'm thrilled that shes enjoying singing so much. (cause I'm too shy to sing in front of people)

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