Friday, October 07, 2005

Photo Album

I've added a link on the right sidebar to a photo album (you can also click on the title of this post to get there). To get started, I just added pics from Ridleys schools open house last night.
(check out her artwork!)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hey, thanks for the comments!
I told Ridley and she loved that you checked out her artwork.
BTW, guess who wore a wrist sweat band to school today??? She saw one at the mall and insisted I get it for her because "Sam has one!". Hers has a heart embroidered on it. :)

I made up a quick badge and put it on the sidebar. I thought about using the flash version on my profile page but I have a feeling that may slow things down for people? Could be just me though, I get impatient pretty quickly with bloat hog applets and such.

Update my stream? I'll get on that as soon as I figure out how to. :)