Sunday, October 23, 2005

Hallowe'en jokes

Hallowe'en is coming up! For the past few years, Ridley has gone as a unicorn. (she loves that costume still!) This year, I managed to convince her to go as something different. She was trying to choose between a princess and a superhero but ultimately the superhero won. So, Batman she is! She was dismayed to find out later that Batman has no super powers. (I think I even mentioned when shopping that Batman is lame compared to Spiderman or Superman..but ah well)
I'll post pics after Hallowe'en.

Here are some jokes from Ridley...

What did the ghost eat?

Boo-berry pie.

What do witches eat at the beach?


Whats green and walks through walls?

Casper the friendly pickle.

(Ridley's version of the answer was "a friendly pickle" which of course had me scratching my head but laughing all the same)

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